北海道 室蘭工業大学の平井伸治教授とそのチームは、羊毛やシルクを原料とした「たんぱく質樹脂」を生成する技術を研究しています。石油由来成分を加えていない動物由来の樹脂なので、全て自然に還すことができます。わたしはこのコレクションで、平井教授の研究室とコラボレーションし「ウール樹脂」を活用したデザインを展開しました。
Professor Shinji Hirai of the Muroran Institute of Technology in Hokkaido and his team are studying how to produce "protein resin", from wool and silk. Since these resins are derived from an animal, they do not use any petroleum derived ingredients, so it is biodegradable. In this show, we will collaborated with Professor Hirai's laboratory and developed a design that utilizes this "wool resin".
I thought again about the "human nail", composed of the same keratin as wool resin. Human nails have great functionality. Our soft fingers are equipped with hard claws. It is said that this was perhaps the main key to the development of mankind. Human beings who acquired delicate fingertips managed to increase their brain capacity by using these hands and so, developed intelligence. When I considered these nails that have played such a big role in our evolution, a new question was born. I wondered if clothes would change, if they were equipped with claws.
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